Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November-The Month to Give Thanks

I was just reading people's comments on facebook and came across people who were giving thanks. How wonderful, I thought. I am a firm believer in giving thanks, but must admit that I may not always do it as often as I would like. So it seems the challenge is to give thanks on everyday of november. So here I go folks, I am taking on the challenge, but doing so on my blog. Which means, I will be blogging everyday this month!

I am already behind, so for my November 1st post, I am dedicating this one to my husband because it was/is his birthday. I am ever so thankful for all his hard work and dedication to us. Thank you babe, for all that you do. I am so grateful for you. Your health. Your humor. Your love. For just you. You will always be my favorite.

And here is my dear post for November 2nd. I am thankful for Odus. Yes, I truly love my dog, but must say this post may be out of a little guilt because we seem to be neglecting Odus just a tad lately. I love Odus for all his energy and love for Kade. So gentle and kind you are Odus to Kade when he pokes you, jumps on you, pulls at your mouth to discover your teeth, pulls your dog dish out from underneath you as you try to eat your meals. You Odus, are the bestest dog!

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